Profile of an IT Architect

The people at Leading Edge are our greatest asset.  The following is a
short summary of the experience of two
of our architects.

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Cost of poor choices

It has been said that the real cost
of poor information system choices
is not the cost of writing off some
very expensive hardware, software,
and training, but rather....

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Consulting page 2

If two companies in the same field need to pay approximately the same fixed expenses, price per labor hour and material, differentiators in profitability will have to come largely from other areas.  Today a key element of success lies not in how much technology a company possesses, but how well they leverage technology in their business processes.  The quality of the design and implementation of information automation strategies within a company will be reflected in internal efficiencies, customer satisfaction, and the bottom line.  Helping companies achieve the benefits that come from a well designed and implemented information system is what Leading Edge IT Architects is all about.

It has been said that the real cost of poor information system choices is not the cost of writing off some very expensive hardware, software, and training, but rather the cost of living with poor choices.  The IT Architects at Leading Edge have acquired the business and technology skills necessary to orchestrate intelligent business solutions that can be of great benefit to your company.  These are people with CTO plus skills who have made many sacrifices to obtain the knowledge required to be able to bring you these business benefits.  Everyone is aware of the fast pace of the technology sector.  These individuals can only maintain such levels of proficiency by dedicating extraordinary amounts of time and energy both on and off the job.  It is this unique combination of business and technology that allows them to accomplish what has become our company theme, "Helping businesses achieve competitive advantage through Information Technology."  Read the profiles of a couple of our IT Architects and you will discover why they can deliver.

An important aspect of any relationship is defining expectations.  It is often more important than the expectations themselves.  Nobody likes surprises or being caught off balance.  To learn about what it is like to work with a Leading Edge IT Architect, check out "Is partnering with Leading Edge IT Architects right for your company?."  We look forward to the opportunity to assist you in designing and implementing IT strategies that will bring competitive advantages to your company.

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